Haiti STEM Alliance is a collaborative network of educators, business partners, and organizations that empowers and inspires youth from all backgrounds through an in-depth exposure to STREAM: science, technology, reading, robotics, engineering, art, and mathematics in order for them to become more engaged and socially conscious children while gaining self-confidence, communication, and leadership skills. Haiti STEM Alliance is advised by members of the community in Haiti and the states. Our advisory board members are: Tamara Barrau, Carolyn Cantave, Caroline Hudicourt, Francisco Jovin, Medard Laz and Christian Liautaud.
This program focuses on the educational equality and advancement of all children in Haiti. This STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) program has been developed to educate children of all ages and to encourage them to not only complete secondary school, but to pursue post-secondary education. This program reaches even farther than education by empowering our girls and creating leaders that will eventually possess a range of skill sets.
In alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, this program falls into Goal 1 “No Poverty” and Goal 4 “Quality Education”. The United Nations (www.sustainabledevelopment.un.org) has developed an agenda and created a plan of action to change the world, and meet goals, by 2030. This plan includes 17 sustainable development goals and Haiti STEM alliance has adopted two of these goals in order to change lives in Haiti.
Grand-Anse - Jeremie - 47 Kids South - Coteaux - 57 Kids Plateau Central - La Jeune - 70 Kids South East - Jacmel - 28 ...
VEIW PROJECTThe STEM 4 girls project focuses on the educational equality and advancement of girls and young women in Haiti. This STEM ...